Overclocked i5-6600k CPU Cooler


Dec 3, 2015
So after my H110i GTX died over the weekend (developed a leak near the radiator), I'm looking for other options as far as cooling goes. The shop I usually purchase from has essentially given me store credit in case I want to purchase something different, so it's pretty up in the air as far as what I could get. I wouldn't be opposed to another AIO, but I've also had my eye on the Cooler Master V8 GTS since it matches my theme to a scary amount.

CPU is an i5-6600k OC'd to 4.3GHz

Would like to keep a high performance CPU cooler (even if a lower end unit would work I like having peace of mind that it will stay cool)

Thoughts? Options?
This is a good one=http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099&cm_re=cooler_master_cpu_cooler-_-35-103-099-_-Product

I'll definitely look into it. The nice thing is regardless of what Air Cooler I go with I more than likely have the room for it. Quite an upgrade from my old case where I couldn't fit anything aside from a low profile cooler.

I'm assuming that the V8 GTS isn't worth the money they're asking for the performance you get