Overclocked intel i5 - 1690K to 4.4Ghz, uses near 100% usage


Nov 6, 2015
I recently bought an Intel i5 - 4690K because everyone said it is more than sufficient for gaming. However, recently I successfully overclocked the i5 to 4.4Ghz and I thought this would suffice for gaming (Raised the multiplier to 4.4, ring ratio 4.2, and Vcore to 1.25V). Except now when I'm gaming, especially Witcher 3, my GPU (EVGA GeForce GTX 970 SSC ACX 2.0 4.0GB) is only using around 80 - 85% (avg 52 FPS) while the i5 fluctuates from 90 - 100%. I was wondering if this is normal? I know that high CPU usage isn't great and was also wondering if there's anything I can do to fix this.

Also on a side note, I recently received from a friend his Intel i7 - 4790S. Would it be better to use the i7 or keep trying to use the i5?


Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i5 - 4690K
GPU: (EVGA GeForce GTX 970 SSC ACX 2.0 4.0GB)
Mobo: MSI z97 Pc Mate
PSU: Corsair 600W
RAM: 12 GB

(If theres anything else you need to know let me know!)

Update: I overclocked my i5 to 4.5 ghz and ran a test for about 2 1/2 hours to make sure it was stable. After that I got onto to witcher 3 and my CPU usage was still from 95-100% with the GPU around 70-80% at ~65C . I decided to go ahead and switch to the i7 and my GPU runs the same around ~80 - 90% with 60% CPU usage around ~45C. So i decided to stay with the i7. Thanks for the help!
Some games are just overly CPU (like witcher) or GPU intensive, you could try OCing higher to more 'balance' usage, don't expect any major changes


Give the i7 a try, it's a little stronger 😉

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Some games are just overly CPU (like witcher) or GPU intensive, you could try OCing higher to more 'balance' usage, don't expect any major changes


Give the i7 a try, it's a little stronger 😉

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