Overclocking 270x windforce

Get rid of that power supply immediately and buy a quality unit. Attempting any sort of modification on your GPU could be disastrous. That unit is among the worst of the worst.


Tier 5 - Replace immediately. These units are NOT recommended for any system, no matter the purpose. Reference to higher tiered models for a better and potentially money-saving unit

The CoolerMaster Extreme series comes under that category.

Buy a quality 500-600W XFX, EVGA, Antec, Seasonic, Corsair, Superflower, Enermax or Silverstone power supply.


Get rid of that power supply immediately and buy a quality unit. Attempting any sort of modification on your GPU could be disastrous. That unit is among the worst of the worst.


Tier 5 - Replace immediately. These units are NOT recommended for any system, no matter the purpose. Reference to higher tiered models for a better and potentially money-saving unit

The CoolerMaster Extreme series comes under that category.

Buy a quality 500-600W XFX, EVGA, Antec, Seasonic, Corsair, Superflower, Enermax or Silverstone power supply.


I highly recommend that you switch out that PSU immediately. If it dies which it likely will within a year or two it can potentially take your entire computer with it. Buy a power supply that are like the ones I recommended above. The 270X needs a good 550-650W PSU for overclocking.


Keep in mind that despite what other people may think, the PSU of a computer is the most important part of it all - far more important than any CPU or graphics card or whatever. It provides electricity and power to your entire computer through various electrical currents that have varying voltage flowing through. In the worse-case scenario your computer may potentially blow up and cause fires if something bad happens to the power supply.

There's a reason why people spend a lot of money just on a decent power supply (in case you were wondering, I spent $150 on mine).


Depending on when you bought it you should be able to return it and get a full refund, generally within the first few weeks but I don't know exactly - my own computer is the first one I've ever built and nothing was wrong with it. My problems with it I guess you could say are me overspending on parts ($70 bluray drive, $200 on storage, $150 power supply which I could go a little cheaper on etc) now that I think about it. Too late for it anyways seeing as I've bought everything at once in February. I'm going off-topic.

Many poor quality power supplies have died in as quickly as a few hours or days. If I was you I'd try to find any way to get a different power supply. Don't fall in the trap of titles like "Extreme" and "Gaming", good quality computer parts don't tend to have those specific titles as they don't need them.


Oct 2, 2014
well i live in mexico i dont think i can have a refund or i can try to refund it anyway cus i bought it like 3 days ago, if i cant refund it what is the time limit to have my SHITTY PSU? thnx for all the attetion to this thread Icaraeus <3


As I just said you could be lucky or not - it could die the next minute for you or whenever. Low quality PSUs don't tend to last long. I'd expect my own PSU to perform great for at least the next 5 or 6 years, and even if something happens to it, it has preventative measures that would almost guarantee that none of my other future computer parts are taken with it.

I would try to contact the manufacturer of that power supply as soon as possible and return it and get a refund, then look for a better power supply where you might be able to attempt some 270X overclocking where I'd be happy to help you :)

Also, try not to say swear words or profanity on these forums - some mods here don't take too kindly to it I don't think.