Overclocking Amd Fx4100 help


Jul 25, 2017
I am trying to overclock my cpu. I have successfully done it in the past and got it from the base 3.6ghz to 4.0ghz just by changing the multiplier. I would like to get it up near 4.2 to 4.4ghz but are unsure how much voltage i need to give it. Currently my motherboard has an auto voltage manager function and cpu-z reports its recieving 1.312v at full load (with prime95). Max temp ive ever seen it running at was 39 C so i thought i could go further. I have an aftermarket water cooler so its staying relativeltly cool. Any help would be great plus i do not know the maximum voltage i should be getting as i dont really want my chip to die :)
I have an 8350 oc to 4.8ghz runs 65c(socket temp) all day long under prime 95 running 1.5125 volts.

if you don't have good cooling then your cpu die will be hotter then with better cooling even though your socket temp is 65c in both cases. to read the fx die temp he really he should use amd overdrive and "thermal margin" or the temp from the throttling point if he wants to push the cpu limits and not motherboard report temps of the cpu.


if your going to push limits you go by thermal margin and you get close as you can to 0c (the start of throttling) without hitting it. (negative numbers is overheating) 0c is not safety shutdown temp though...
Ive heard anything over 1.5/1.6v is extremely dangerous. You should be fine from 1.2-1.3v you can start at what the default vcore and add .1 ghz and stress test using Prime95 http://windows-downloads-center.blogspot.com/2011/04/prime95-266.html and stress test for a few hours and if you get BSOD(Blue Screen Of Death) then your CPU needs a little bit more VCORE and try again. Note: Make sure you DON'T exceed 80c during stress testing. Other than that you should be fine!
"Make sure you DON'T exceed 80c during stress testing" pushing past 65c is not recommended.

as for voltage ive never played with the 4100. for the fx8350 the max voltage limit is 1.5v area but they start with a voltage of 1.3 at factory clocks. I just don't know enough about the 4100 to make recommendations there. but I would not push it to 80c.

Anything past 65c is "not recommended" but lets be real here, does anyone sit under 65c while under P95 load overclocked? Over 80c is the danger zone so you should totally stay under that if possible.

ok chips has been running fine for a couple of days now, now im experiencing whole computer freezing issue, (my other thread). I have left it at its current state and never hit the 40c mark so could probably go further but see no need right now. Just need to fix this disk issue and then ill be good to go for a while.
I have an 8350 oc to 4.8ghz runs 65c(socket temp) all day long under prime 95 running 1.5125 volts.

if you don't have good cooling then your cpu die will be hotter then with better cooling even though your socket temp is 65c in both cases. to read the fx die temp he really he should use amd overdrive and "thermal margin" or the temp from the throttling point if he wants to push the cpu limits and not motherboard report temps of the cpu.


if your going to push limits you go by thermal margin and you get close as you can to 0c (the start of throttling) without hitting it. (negative numbers is overheating) 0c is not safety shutdown temp though but because it slows the cpu down to 1.4ghz at that point there's no need to push to close to it.

65c is still the area I wouldn't push to much more because a socket temp of 80c usually means the VRM are cooking (there close to the socket remember)

in case you wonder also my Thermal margin on my setup is 15c (which means I have a little head room in case my room becomes warmer and cooling doesn't work as well)