Overclocking and microstutter


Oct 31, 2011
NEW HERE ltrftw
i am getting stutter in all of my pc games regardless of settings. feels like 1 or 2 frame skips per second. when i strafe left or right its there and when i move around with two keys and mouse its there even more so.

what do you guys think the problem could be?
I OC my cpu, the stutters there with and without. my gpu is e-green so i dont know if i should overclock it

E5200 - 2.7/3.2/3.6
GTS 250 - 675.1458.900
Windows 7 32-bit
4GB down to 3GB DDR2 2x2
+nice cpu cooler

I tried setting this as my signature but it doesnt show up

It's definitely not micro-stutter, since you only have 1 gpu.

Return all your hardware to stock settings, clean up temp files (CCleaner is good for this), do a full defrag, delete you current gpu drivers and then update to most current version. See if you're still having problems.

What it sounds like off-hand is a gpu driver issue, but you need a clean place to start. Then if you change anything with your rig (whether it's install software, upgrade drivers, or OC), only do 1 thing/setting at a time, so if it messes something up, you know what caused it.

thanks for that, ill take all on board and go through the steps, ill post back with the results themaristboy says these 280 drivers arent good, any recommendations for a gts250 ((g92 chip) driver

defrag unneeded , did reinstall and stock clock its a little smoother now but lots of memory errors in memtest
Could my oc have messed up my ram?

maybe your ram just seen its end of dayS. The stuttering points to the ram. Test one stick at a time.