I have an ECS IC780M-A motherboard with a X2 550 and DDR2 800 RAM. The M.I.B. II overclocking utility is a little confusing to me and I was hoping you guys could help me out with it.
Here are my current settings:
DRAM Frequency: Manual
Memclock Value: 400MHz (trying to keep RAM at default speed)
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk: Disabled
HT Frequency: 800 MHz (should be about a 4x HT right?)
CPU/HT Reference Clock (MHz): 230
Spread Spectrum Disabled
SB Clock Spread Spectrum: Disabled
Volatage Function: Disabled
I can't seem to get my reference clock above 244Mhz, even when setting volatage to 1.5v. I don't see a NB voltage setting anywhere, and I'm still confused on what the HT Frequency should be.
How can I get my CPU above 244Mhz (permanent 15.5x multiplier) stable?
Here are my current settings:
DRAM Frequency: Manual
Memclock Value: 400MHz (trying to keep RAM at default speed)
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk: Disabled
HT Frequency: 800 MHz (should be about a 4x HT right?)
CPU/HT Reference Clock (MHz): 230
Spread Spectrum Disabled
SB Clock Spread Spectrum: Disabled
Volatage Function: Disabled
I can't seem to get my reference clock above 244Mhz, even when setting volatage to 1.5v. I don't see a NB voltage setting anywhere, and I'm still confused on what the HT Frequency should be.
How can I get my CPU above 244Mhz (permanent 15.5x multiplier) stable?