Overclocking i7-4790k wihout overclocking ram?


Oct 14, 2016
The motherboard that i'm going to get only supports 1600mhz at max.

If i were to get ddr3 1600mhz and overclock my the i7 to 4.4ghz , would that overclock the ram as well ?

Should i buy a DDR3 1600mhz, downclock it to 1333mhz, and then overclock the cpu to the point where my ram hits 1600mhz ?
There should some performance issue, i guess, right?

Or should i buy a DDR3 2133MHZ with same power ratings as 1600mhz , and let it run at frequency set by Intel xmp after i overclock my i7?

Truly sorry as i x know how to say , but here is wat im trying to ask:
Can i overclock the cpu and let the "RAM DEPARTMENT" of my mobo work at stock?No additional power draw on ram slot from the stock 1600mhz ?