

Apr 5, 2007
If i overclock a processor, which is doing the OC? The motherboard or the cpu?

Case 1:
A C2D overclocked on a DS3 to 3.2GHz. If i remove the cpu and place it into a P35 board will the frequency return to default? Or remain at the overclocked frequency of 3.2Ghz?

Case 2:
A C2D overclocked on a DS3 to 3.2GHz. If i remove the cpu and place another C2D, will the frequency return to default? Or will the motherboard overclock the CPU to 3.2Ghz?
If i overclock a processor, which is doing the OC? The motherboard or the cpu?

Case 1:
A C2D overclocked on a DS3 to 3.2GHz. If i remove the cpu and place it into a P35 board will the frequency return to default? Or remain at the overclocked frequency of 3.2Ghz?

Case 2:
A C2D overclocked on a DS3 to 3.2GHz. If i remove the cpu and place another C2D, will the frequency return to default? Or will the motherboard overclock the CPU to 3.2Ghz?

A C2D overclocked on a DS3 to 3.2GHz. If i remove the cpu and place it into a P35 board will the frequency return to default?


Or remain at the overclocked frequency of 3.2Ghz?

No, the cpu will not retain the previous MB's overclock settings.

A C2D overclocked on a DS3 to 3.2GHz. If i remove the cpu and place another C2D, will the frequency return to default?

You can default the BIOS when you install the the new chip if you need to. I don't understand your concern unless someone else has set your BIOS settings for you and you are afraid to adjust your BIOS on your own.

Or will the motherboard overclock the CPU to 3.2Ghz?

Several things could happen including your new CPU may need to be set up in BIOS in order to boot successfully into Windows.

I would just default the BIOS on your current board then install the new CPU. Be sure your current BIOS version will support your new processor.