Overheating HDD and BIOS update

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Dec 30, 2015
Hi, I have problem with my laptop Lenovo G580. My laptop is overheating especially harddrive. My temperatures are 50degrees in idle and when I run some game it rises up to 80degrees. I tried to clean my laptop from dust, took apart and clean but it didn`t help. I just ordered cooling pad so I will see. But there is other problem. I tried to update my BIOS but I can`t find any update for my model {Lenovo G580 20150} and programs like Speccy shows, that my motherboard is Lenovo Invalid as you can see here https://ctrlv.cz/0UC7 . Thanks for your support and have a nice day.

Hi, thanks for reply but its not for my model. Is it safe to flash BIOS which is for Win7 while Im running Win8.1? And do you think that changing thermal paste can solve my overheating problem?
Hi there tommy333,

It may be a good idea to back up the data storedo n the drive until you sort this out.
After that, you can test your drive in order to check its health status. You can use some of these: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/282651-32-best-diagnostic-testing-utility

Changing the thermal paste may be a good thing to do.

Regarding your BIOS update question, I think that would be best to contact the manufacturer's Support.

Hope this will help,

Hi, D_Know_WD thanks for reply. Hd tune shows one warning and it's Calibration Rertry count but CrystalDiskInfo doesn't show anything. I will change thermal paste and I just ordered cooling pad so I will see. And I wrote on Lenovo Support but the didn't reply yet.
There could be something wrong with the fans or even the CPU.
After your laptop overheats after all the things you've tried, I think that it may be a good idea to consider taking it to a repair shop.

Apart from that, I don't think that BIOS has something to do with that. I guess it will not hurt to set it to defaults.


Thanks for reply. But I think if there is problem with fan or CPU so than they will overheat too. But CPU has good temps so I really dont know. I tried to restore BIOS to defaults and I will try to remove CMOS battery and I will see. I have now cooling pad and HDD temp isnt more than 46C while playing games for one hour.
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