When I was picking system parts, I found that my PSU was rather expensive, and I wanted to know if overkill psus are okay. I plan to use a 4gb 760 and I was looking at the ax860i? Is that way overkill? Is there any reason to go down?
When I was picking system parts, I found that my PSU was rather expensive, and I wanted to know if overkill psus are okay. I plan to use a 4gb 760 and I was looking at the ax860i? Is that way overkill? Is there any reason to go down?
the ONLY reason to go down, is if you want to save some money. Otherwise, it is better to have a high wattage psu.
[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1A9G4) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1A9G4/by_merchant/) / [Benchmarks](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1A9G4/benchmarks/)
When I was picking system parts, I found that my PSU was rather expensive, and I wanted to know if overkill psus are okay. I plan to use a 4gb 760 and I was looking at the ax860i? Is that way overkill? Is there any reason to go down?
the ONLY reason to go down, is if you want to save some money. Otherwise, it is better to have a high wattage psu.