P35-DS3L: can't get into BIOS setup


Nov 10, 2007

I just built a new machine with this board. I power up, all the fans go on, it gives me the short beep, and I get the S-series "splash screen", but there it stops. but it doesn't boot up from CD-ROM.

Maybe it's because it's not in the boot order. Fine. But I cannot get into the BIOS using DEL or F12 or anything else. Either during POST or from the splash screen. The keyboard has literally no effect whatsoever (but I am not getting any explicit "no keyboard" errors).

Anyone have any ideas?

ok... is your keyboard an USB keyboard??? if so then get a PS/2 borrowed and try to press the del key cuz that's the one that it works and also if that doesnt work then take the CMOS battery out for ten minutes and also if you dont wanna do that then refer to the user's manual to see how you can reset the bios
Does it freeze there?

If so try it with just the keyboard, ram(i stick),cpu.....maybe it is having issues starting a device....

The last P35 DS3L system i put together for a friend worked with a usb keyboard right away.....
I am getting this exact same problem mate

If anyone has a fix please post here

In the mean time I'm gonna try some stuff to maybe get this thing running

I'll post back if I have any success
I have the same board and for me pressing Del once doesn't work, I have to press it quite a few times repeatedly. Try this hope it hopes.
Connect a PS/2 and boot press delete. Change the boot order from Bios to First boot to CD Rom and also set the USB Keyboard support to "Enabled". Press F10 to save insert the OS cd to install your os. Make sure that you change back your first boot to Hard drive in the Bios.