P4 in a box cooler



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

I have a P 4 2.8E in a box that comes with a sanyo cooler (it is already
instaled). The Dissipator as some kind of substance in the zone where it
contacts with the CPU. Should I remove it?

My CPU is running at 55-56ºC max temp.

Thanks in advance,



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 20:58:49 +0100, "Manuel Silva" <minasdomingos@sapo.pt>

>I have a P 4 2.8E in a box that comes with a sanyo cooler (it is already
>instaled). The Dissipator as some kind of substance in the zone where it
>contacts with the CPU. Should I remove it?
>My CPU is running at 55-56ºC max temp.
>Thanks in advance,

Only the fan is a Sanyo, the entire cooler would likely be (referred to
as) the Intel retail cooler.

The substance on the bottom should not be removed unless you prefer to
apply a different, more efficient thermal compound. If there is a plastic
protective shield over the substance then that plastic should be removed
prior to installation.

It would seem that you've already installed the heatsink since you give us
a temp reading. If the heatsink is removed now, after the system had
previously been running, you would then need to remove the original
"substance" and apply thermal compound. The substance can only be used
one time, until you remove the heatsink.

56C is a slightly high but still acceptable temp if the system is running
at full load to obtain that temp. If the system is at idle then the temp
is too high but we cannot know if there's something wrong with the cooler
in that case or if there are other problems like insufficient case airflow
or high ambient (room) temps.