P4 or Athlon?


Jul 10, 2001
Hi! new here... please help me make up my mind... :))
I'm going to purchase a new computer system for transferring digital video from my digital camcorder plus running video rendering process(Ulead Video Studio 5.0). What is the best processor should I go for? Intel Pentium 4 1.4G or AMD Athlon 1.4G?

Thank You.


Jan 8, 2001
There must be 15 different articles comparing the P4 to the Athlon in almost every different task, on THG. Don't expect to get answers without doing a little bit of research first. But I don't want to be completely critical of you, my personal opinion is you should get an Athlon.

- Tempus fugit donec vestrum relictus tripudium. Autem amor praeterea magis pretium.
Anyone doing the same thing or using the same program should know what the best processor for the job is. If price is not really a factor then I suppose either cpu will do. Come on people help a fellow poster out, which cpu do you believe is best and why?


"Anyone doing the same thing or using the same program should know what the best processor for the job is. "

Oh yeah ? I'd say only those persons that happen to have *both* systems are in any position to judge which is best. Tell me, how many friends do you have that own both a P4 and a high end Athlon ? And do video processing...

---- Owner of the only Dell computer with a AMD chip


The P4 is generally considered to give better performance in Video applications, although this is primarily due to the actual programs being tweaked for the Intel chip.
However the cost of a P4/RDRAM system is significantly higher than an Athlon. Personally I don't think it's worth the higher price, as I do some casual video editing, DivX etc and I am more than happy with the performance of my Athlon 1.3Ghz.


As someone who has just spent over (Aus) $2200 on a 1.3GHz Pentium IV system only to discover that it runs my electromagnetic emission modelling program (ie lots of floating point calculations) 30% slower than my 800MHz Pentium III system, I suspect the Athlon 1.4GHz is probably a lot faster (even if it is a different task). In any case I have seen numerous reviews on the net were in real world tests the Athlon 1.4GHz beats the 1.7GHz Pentium IV in every department.