I've a P5B Deluxe wifi that has a realtek RTL8187 wifi adapter.
I recently moved to a place with wifi facility, and for few days the connection was working just fine. But since yesterday I have been having disconnection problem and I have hardly been able to stay connected actually. The signal strength is not a problem as my P5B-MX wifi works just fine in the same room. I have already tried the following. There are no other wireless objects in the area except the P5B-MX wifi, the router is a NETGEAR on channel 11. I do not know anything more about the router, but the P5B-MX wifi is working just fine.
Disabling the wireless zero configuration service once a connection has been made, but it still disconnects.
Reinstalling drivers, trying out various drivers etc.
Reinstalling Windows XP itself.
Is it a problem with the adapter itself and should I request a replacement for the board, the onboard audio on the board is also having problems but i didn't bother because i was using a soundcard anyhow.
EDIT: Nothing wrong with the wifi, working just fine, it was the network it seems.
I recently moved to a place with wifi facility, and for few days the connection was working just fine. But since yesterday I have been having disconnection problem and I have hardly been able to stay connected actually. The signal strength is not a problem as my P5B-MX wifi works just fine in the same room. I have already tried the following. There are no other wireless objects in the area except the P5B-MX wifi, the router is a NETGEAR on channel 11. I do not know anything more about the router, but the P5B-MX wifi is working just fine.
Disabling the wireless zero configuration service once a connection has been made, but it still disconnects.
Reinstalling drivers, trying out various drivers etc.
Reinstalling Windows XP itself.
Is it a problem with the adapter itself and should I request a replacement for the board, the onboard audio on the board is also having problems but i didn't bother because i was using a soundcard anyhow.
EDIT: Nothing wrong with the wifi, working just fine, it was the network it seems.