P7P55D-E LX to 4770k compatible Mobo. (Size priority)


May 10, 2014
I currently have an I7-860 @2.8Ghz on a P755D-E LX mobo, and am looking to upgrade to a 4770k, but am unsure as to what mobo I will need to buy, measurement wise. My current mobo fills most of the vertical space inside my tower, and has a bit of space horizontally, but im unsure of the EXACT measurements. basically im asking what is a decently priced (preferably not more then 120 dollars) mobo, that fits in the space my p755d-e lx has, as well as supporting a 4770k? (Ram and the like is fine, size is my only issue).

(ack, I just realised I posted this to the wrong section, how do I go about deleting it?)
Your current motherboard has the form factor of ATX, which measures at 12 inch x 8.6 inch (30.5 cm x 21.8 cm.) There are smaller motherboard sizes which you can purchase, the next smallest from ATX being MicroATX (often referred to as uATX.) When searching for a motherboard, on it's manufacturer's specification page, it'll usually declare it's form factor/size.

All the best. :)
Your current motherboard has the form factor of ATX, which measures at 12 inch x 8.6 inch (30.5 cm x 21.8 cm.) There are smaller motherboard sizes which you can purchase, the next smallest from ATX being MicroATX (often referred to as uATX.) When searching for a motherboard, on it's manufacturer's specification page, it'll usually declare it's form factor/size.

All the best. :)

Cheers, I forgot completely about form factors. Serves me right for browsing the web when im tired...
..And im taking a Hardware course, too! xD