[SOLVED] Packaging cpu in cardboard


Jan 9, 2020
I am selling My old cpu and no longer have the original packaging (with the plastic case) so i am wondering if it would be safe to take a piece of cardboard fold it a couple of times cut a Hole for the cpu and just tape it up with normal tape.
I will be delivering it myself so no shipping. Just something to store it in for a couple of days

I'm a lot more flexable buying used parts but it all come down to shipping and how it was packaged. If seller could not ship correctly he never got another sale from me.

Every item I have bought with correct packaging. Open, install and works.

The ones in crappy packaging there was always something I had to fix. All ends up working in the end after correcting issue but that seller is off my list moving forward.

Just be carefull with it <Mod Edit> happens even if your hand walking it to buyer.
Yeah, thats how most of the 2nd hand market CPU's ship.

If its a ryzen CPU make sure not to bend the pins!!!
luckily it is from intel. Will it be okay to just cut a Hole in the cardboard and stick it in there or is anti statics a must (of course it would be better with one) but I am just hand delivering it on the other side of town and can’t be asked with ordering some