Page file


Mar 29, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)

Please the drive C: on me file and print server is currently running out of disk space. This often makes it impossible for jobs to be spooled and affects over 355 users who print to 52 printers that depend on the print server.

The page file on the drive C: is currently 568MB. How do I relocate this page file to drive D: where I have about 4GB free space.

If it is not possible to relocate the page file, is there any way I can make my drive D: to be the spool drive?



Apr 7, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)

Hi Peter,

Shifting the pagefile is relatively easy:

Start > Settings > Control Panel > System Icon > Performance Tab > 'Change
Button' in the Virtual Memory area of the dialogue box

Your current min and max sizes of the pagefile should show in the list of drives
against the entry for Drive C: (where you said it is at the moment)

Select the disk you want to place the pagefile on from the list of drive letters
presented. In the paging file size area of the dialogue specify the minimum and
maximum sizes of the paging file. (Note: It is best to make the min and max
figures the same and the value as recommended - ie: the pagefile is not allowed
to 'grow' - this prevents fragmentation) Click 'Set' after you have entered the

Click on drive C: in the list of drive letters - the current min and max values
for your existing pagefile will be presented in the size boxes - clear the
contents of the size boxes and click 'Set' again - this removes your old paging
file on Drive C:

Click 'OK' and then 'OK' again to dismiss the dialogues - the system will prompt
for a restart - after the reboot you will be using your new paging file. The
system may warn about having to disable some aspects of crash recording with the
pagefile removed from Drive C: - you can safely accept thisa option on a
production machine - the crash recording it is referring to is primarily of
interest on a software development machine.

Check that the old pagefile on Drive C: has been removed after the system reboot
- if pagefile.sys is still present, you can now safely delete it.

If you require more spooling space for print jobs you can shift the spool
directory on your sytstem to an area where more space exists.

EG: Create a folder on Drive D: called 'Spool' (the exact name is unimportant)

To tell the system to use the new Spool folder:

Start > Settings > Printers > Right Click in the blank area of the 'P{rinters'
window > Server Properties > Advanced Tab > Enter the location of the folder you
created in the 'Spool Folder' box (eg: D:\Spool)

Click 'OK' - the system will require a restart - print spooling will now be done
from the new folder you have specified.

Hope this all helps.
