Ok let's set a few facts straight please. I paid 550$CAD here in Canada ( ~ 520$USD ) for a Sapphire 290 tri-X more than a month ago. Please stop using NEWEGG overdriven BS upped prices as current price. We ALL know THEY are price gouging the cards since they got out. How do we even know this is not a setup from NVidia? ( teasing NV fanboys that are reading comments on an R9 review 😛 ) Then, lets looks at prices elsewhere. from Overclockers.co.uk ..the 290 tri-x is @ £284.99 ex VAT( don't include VAT on prices..i'm not including my country 15% taxe @ 550$ ..if i order from computeruniverse.de/overclockers.co.uk they do not charge me the VAT either ) So this gets us back down to ~ 480$USD @ 1.66 current exchange rate.Computeruniverse.de lists it at € 331,09 which is around 450$USD. So NOW tell me how you can use stupid 600-700$ prices from Master GOUGERERS Newegg to list on your reviews? Because i order from computeruniverse.de and they send the card at this price + ~35$ of express shipping??? far from 600-700$ i say.Then back onto the temperature issue.What the heck do we CARE ABOUT HOW HOT A CERTAIN PART GETS. Do you lick your card while playing a game ?? I'll say it for the second and last time, higher temperature = higher temp DELTA = more efficient to remove HEAT . Then, the only important number to know for a consumer point of view is the POWER.300W is 300W ...it doesn't change a thing if the GPU gets up to 80C or 70C, until the part is designed for that. As far as i can tell, we were told like 10 times by AMD that their design point is 95C target. Ok they screwed the reference cooler bad, but with the partners boards..do we really need to be talking about execessive temps? Tell me it consumes excessive power ( which it does not...very similar to high end NV cards while in use ) but stop spreading BS about the high temps which is not revelent other than for cooler comparisons here with the partners boards.