Question PC beep

Sep 12, 2019
Please help i hear one beep once in a while(it's a short beep) everything runs fine and seems like there's no problem but im scared it might be something bad i dont know what to do since im not too tech smart i built my pc together with a friend that's into tech and done this before and it worked correctly

amd ryzen 5 2600
powercolor red dragon rx 590
hyperx fury 2666mhz
crucial bx500 240gb ssd
and a 500w 80+ cert psu
Welcome to the forums my friend!

If you are referring to when your PC boots up and you hear a single beep, then everything runs fine, this beep just indicates normal boot. So there is no problem.

What is your motherboard?
it is not while booting it happens while the computer's running there's a wired phone nearby and im not sure if it's making the sound but the sound is like random in pitches it might be the pohne but im not sure i also had the pc unplugged at one point and the sound persisted so it might as well be the phone but i am not sure
and my motherboard is asus b450 m-k