PC Blackout Problem


Oct 16, 2015
Okay so I have this problem where my PC randomly gets a black screen, and the weird thing is that my programs are still working for the first like 15 seconds of the black screen then everything just stops. I've waited at the screen for around 15 minutes before to see if it ever returned, but whenever it happens I just have to force shutdown my computer. Another thing is that when I start my computer up, after the windows sign in when its loading my desktop, the screen is black for about 1 minute and then after that everything loads in normally. I have no idea what to do, sometimes the screen goes black after a while like an hour or so, and sometimes it does it instantly after I start my computer up. What can I do?

Update: It's been doing this for the past 2 days but it seems to be getting worse and more common

Radeon Software Version - 17.4.1
Radeon Software Edition - Crimson ReLive
Graphics Chipset - AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series
Memory Size - 8192 MB
Memory Type - GDDR5
Core Clock - 1010 MHz
Windows Version - Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) (64 bit)
System Memory - 8 GB
CPU Type - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz

Yes it just started out of nowhere. It happens just randomly, like sometimes when I leave my computer to go get food and nothing is running at all, it can happen, or it happens when im playing games. I downloaded malwarebytes to see if it could find anything, but no results. Didn't replace my hard drive, went back to an older version of my pc, nothing changed, and I don't know what you mean by new windows setup.

New Windows setup means re-installing Windows.

What is the power supply brand and model? Could be a failing PSU, video card, RAM, really almost anything. Too much heat can do this also, check temps with HWMonitor while in a game or a stress test like Prime95 and see how hot things get.