Question PC boot process gets stuck at motherboard splash screen ?

Dec 11, 2023
I have recently had my pc get stuck on the motherboard splash screen. I then get to see a loading sign and it keeps running indefinitely. Sometimes after rebooting a few times it finally goes through. Sometimes it just doesn't go through and then I can try anything but it seems to be random when it does go through. For example:

once I tried booting without usb devices plugged into the PC and it worked. But the next time I try it with all usb devices unplugged it hangs again.

What I tried:

- Unplugged all USB devices

- CMOS battery out and motherboard back to factory settings

- Disk check. To see if drive has problems. (all looked good)

- Windows drive plugged into another slot

- Windows installed on another drive (New windows drive does not show up in boot options. After the splash screen I can select which windows on drive 1 or 2 I want to boot.)

All the above options did not affect the problem. What are other steps I can do to troubleshoot where the problem lies? Or does anyone have experience with this problem?

My specs:

Mobo: Gigabyte B660 Gaming X DDR4

GPU: RTX 3080

CPU: i7-12700K


2 x M.2 SSD (one of these has Windows on it)

1 x 2TB HDD (pretty old)
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I could try updating the BIOS. But is it not weird that all of a sudden a problem like this occours while the PC wrded fine before
I just found out that one of my drives tells me: hard drive reallocated sector count warning
HWinfo 64 did a disk check and came up with this warning.

But it is not the drive with windows on it. Could this still be the problem?