PC boots normally, but monitor's got no power


Feb 5, 2018

So about little over 2 weeks ago I was on my computer when suddenly my monitor went black. There was no light on the power button, no display, nonothing, as if it was turned off, but I could hear the sounds as if it was just off.
So I restarted and the pc booted normally...I heard the windows(7) welcome sound, but there was no power in monitor. No light nothing, again.
So I said, okay PC's dead. It's kind of old pc and monitor. I left it just sit not trying to do anything, then I tried what I could find on the internet after two weeks. I checked the power outlets, power cords, if they are properly connected etc. everything works fine except the monitor.
I guess it should be problem with monitor then, not pc.
So then I found that I should disconnect pc and monitor from the outlets and hold the power button for a minute. So I did it and it worked. It worked like a charm until it went black again in a few hours. So i did it again and jt worked again. This went on for a 3 days, everyday I had to remove it from outlets and press the button for a minute at least once a day and it worked just fine. But then it went off again and now even that solution doesn't work anymore.
So, I really din't know what to do. If I should just throw away the monitor and replace, but I woukd be much mkre happier if there was some solution.
The monitor is AOC TFT22W90PSA.
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.

Of course. That was the first thing I checked. It wasn't that, tho.
Question from sideris : "AOC monitor's not working"


It's AOC tft22w90psa monitor with desktop pc.

For a pc I really don't remember the specs and can't check them since monitor's not working.
But I'm pretty sure it's the monitor and not the pc since I tested the pc on another monitor which I borrowed and worked.

I tried to open the moninor but I have no idea how and don't want to mess it up more.