PC Boots To A Static-Filled Screen


Oct 23, 2017
Sometimes (probably once for every three or four boots) when I boot my computer up the screen goes from the startup screen (with the Windows 10 logo displayed as things load up) to a screen filled with static. Like what you would see on a blank channel on an analog TV. When this occurs the colors of the startup and BIOS screen change. The windows logo appears yellow, and the MSI BIOS (usually red) appears blue. Usually a hard restart fixes the problem. I've changed graphics cards, reseated everything on the motherboard, and replaced the DVI cable to my monitor. Drivers are up to date. I can't find anything similar to this anywhere. Any thoughts?

Link to PC build: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tQctsJ
download hardware info 64 set it to logging and sensor see if the power supply or vrm on the mb not holding. make sure the mb has the newest bios and amd chipset drivers installed.