Use: Steam Gaming, Streaming, Rendering Videos
Budget: $850
Peripherals: Will purchase Later
Website: Doesnt Matter
Notes: Im new to all of this Pc building. Im sick of running off a laptop and some stock dell that doesnt do much anymore. I would like a fast processor, good graphics to play high quality games like CoD and LoL, and i guess a good amount of memory due to the high amount of games i will be downloading that my viewers want me to play.
If you guys could give me a good setup that would be great!
Budget: $850
Peripherals: Will purchase Later
Website: Doesnt Matter
Notes: Im new to all of this Pc building. Im sick of running off a laptop and some stock dell that doesnt do much anymore. I would like a fast processor, good graphics to play high quality games like CoD and LoL, and i guess a good amount of memory due to the high amount of games i will be downloading that my viewers want me to play.
If you guys could give me a good setup that would be great!