PC Builds - Seeking Advisement


Jul 8, 2014
Anybody wanna take a crack at these two builds and give me some suggestions?

http://pcpartpicker.com/user/ColdAtrophy/saved/j6qPxr [pcpartpicker.com]

http://pcpartpicker.com/user/ColdAtrophy/saved/MLwypg [pcpartpicker.com]

I haven't decided which one I'm going with yet, nor have I ensured that each one is optimized. Look at these like rough ideas.

I have Amazon Prime so I'm trying to take advantage of that as much as possible. Also, I have an unused key for Windows 8.1 so I won't need to purchase an OS.

Feedback and suggestions of a constructive type are welcome. I'm not looking for AMD vs Intel fanboyism here. I just wanna make sure that the build will exceed what my Late 2013 Macbook Pro can do (Yes I can play BF4 on it at 65fps, custom settings , 1600x900). I'm gonna sell it to pay for the build.

15" Macbook Pro w/ Retina Display
Intel i7 2.3ghz, Turbo Boost up to 3.7GHz
16GB DDR3 @1600mhz
Nvidia Geforce GT 750M w/ 2GB GDDR5

This build will need to be usable for school. I am getting a BS in Video Game Design. I will mainly be using Unity and UDK.

If you need to know anything else, just ask :) Thanks!
Hi ColdAtrophy.
I am an 8350 user, no fanboy; I have owned both platforms.

You have two choices here -
The intel build, will be stronger with your Video Game design due to the stronger single core performance. HOWEVER I am not saying the 8320 will be useless at it, just the I5 will be better. Some applications may be able to make use of the CUDA cores in the NVidia, but it doesn't make too much of a difference.

The AMD Build will hinder more performance in gaming. Why? Not because of the CPU. The 280x is far more powerful than the GTX 760 and leapfrogs a GTX 770 in games. The 280x also has better compute power.

So the choice is yours, the AMD build will give a bigger increase in gaming than the Intel build will in SDK...

Just a...
Hi ColdAtrophy.
I am an 8350 user, no fanboy; I have owned both platforms.

You have two choices here -
The intel build, will be stronger with your Video Game design due to the stronger single core performance. HOWEVER I am not saying the 8320 will be useless at it, just the I5 will be better. Some applications may be able to make use of the CUDA cores in the NVidia, but it doesn't make too much of a difference.

The AMD Build will hinder more performance in gaming. Why? Not because of the CPU. The 280x is far more powerful than the GTX 760 and leapfrogs a GTX 770 in games. The 280x also has better compute power.

So the choice is yours, the AMD build will give a bigger increase in gaming than the Intel build will in SDK...

Just a tip, choose a different PSU.


Yes, that build is perfect for your needs.
I reccomended you change the PSU is because that PSU isn't great.. It's OEM isn't known for making reliable PSU's.
For the same price you can get something like an XFX 550w PSU which is manufactured by Seasonic; who make some of the best PSU's on the planet. When you build a PC the worst thing you want to do is cheap out on the PSU, because if something goes wrong it can kill all of the components you just spend a lot of money on.
Thank you! You have been a big help. I honestly thought the Antec was a good PSU. Others had recommended it to me. I think I'm gonna go with the XFX 80+ Gold that is fully modular for a few dollars more. Thanks again!

No problem! :)