[SOLVED] PC Case fans stopped working.


Oct 23, 2019

I Just have built my new pc and got a new pc case with 4 rgb fans. Basically, yesterday I switched it on, everything working as it should, hooray. However, today it is not the case (badum-tss). The fans started up, all good, but like ten minutes later they just stopped. The RGBs are still working (I know it doesn't really matter). Those all four fans are connected into some sort of an adapter which then comes out as a 4 pin. (I tried to plug another fan to the mobo and it worked). So are my fans really toasted after just half a day of usage?

EDIT: I have looked up in the BIOS and it says that the chassis fan speed is 258 rpm, eventhough not a single fan is moving.

Additional info: mobo - asrock b450m pro4.
case - SILENTIUMPC Signum SG1X TG RGB (I know it's a budget case, but cmon, it's not supposed to be done for after like 5 hours of usage.)
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I'll outline the connections you need to have (you may have these correct already) and some fan header configuration settings you need - see mobo manual p. 78 -79. At the core of this is a suggestion to change from the common "Standard Mode" automatic fan control to a custom set. That is because I suspect that the default fan response curve the mobo is using is sending the fans signals to run too slow at cold temperatures, and thus the fans all stall.

Your case has 4-pin fans that also have ARGB lighting in their frames. Both the fan motors and the lights are controlled for each through that central fan Hub. The case included a simple ARGB controller to provide lighting control signals to the Hub. The Hub also uses a single cable...
I'll outline the connections you need to have (you may have these correct already) and some fan header configuration settings you need - see mobo manual p. 78 -79. At the core of this is a suggestion to change from the common "Standard Mode" automatic fan control to a custom set. That is because I suspect that the default fan response curve the mobo is using is sending the fans signals to run too slow at cold temperatures, and thus the fans all stall.

Your case has 4-pin fans that also have ARGB lighting in their frames. Both the fan motors and the lights are controlled for each through that central fan Hub. The case included a simple ARGB controller to provide lighting control signals to the Hub. The Hub also uses a single cable connection to a mobo fan header to get the mobo's PWM control signals to share out to all its fans, and that means the fan header you plug this into must be configured to send out PWM signals. I am going to assume that you have made the proper connection from the Hub to one mobo CHA_FAN fan header and from the Hub to a SATA power output from the PSU. Then there's the cable from the ARGB controller box to the Hub.

Assuming those all are right, let's proceed to configuration settings in BIOS Setup - manual p. 78, item 4.6. There you must select "H/W Monitor" at the top and then the particular CHA_FAN header you are using for the Hub connection. Skip down to p. 79 and I'll write as if you were using CHA_FAN1. Set as follows:
  1. CHA_FAN1/WP Switch to "CHA_FAN1"
  2. Chassis Fan 1 Control Mode to PWM to ensure the PWM signal is sent out.
  3. Chassis Fan 1 Setting we'll change, but first set it to Standard Mode. Now change that to "Custom" and you'll see a screen showing five temperatures, and speed settings for each. Change the two lowest temp/speed settings so that, at those two lowest temperatures, the minimum speed is higher than originally set. This will make the lowest possible fan speeds higher so they do not stall. IF this step does not work completely, you MIGHT have to come back and adjust these a little higher. Use Esc to get back to the previous screen.
  4. Chassis Fan 1 Temp Source set to the motherboard temp sensor, not the one inside the CPU chip.
When done, use Esc to get back to the main Hardware Health screen on p.78 and choose Exit at top right. See p. 84 and choose Save Changes and Exit to save your settings and reboot.

Now, see what you fans are doing. If you watch very carefully right as soon as the reboot process starts, all of the fans should start up at full speed for a few seconds, then slow down as the cool system temperature reading is seen. But they should NOT stall. If they do stall, you might have to go back in and increase those minimum speed settings in item 3 above.
I'll outline the connections you need to have (you may have these correct already) and some fan header configuration settings you need - see mobo manual p. 78 -79. At the core of this is a suggestion to change from the common "Standard Mode" automatic fan control to a custom set. That is because I suspect that the default fan response curve the mobo is using is sending the fans signals to run too slow at cold temperatures, and thus the fans all stall.

Your case has 4-pin fans that also have ARGB lighting in their frames. Both the fan motors and the lights are controlled for each through that central fan Hub. The case included a simple ARGB controller to provide lighting control signals to the Hub. The Hub also uses a single cable connection to a mobo fan header to get the mobo's PWM control signals to share out to all its fans, and that means the fan header you plug this into must be configured to send out PWM signals. I am going to assume that you have made the proper connection from the Hub to one mobo CHA_FAN fan header and from the Hub to a SATA power output from the PSU. Then there's the cable from the ARGB controller box to the Hub.

Assuming those all are right, let's proceed to configuration settings in BIOS Setup - manual p. 78, item 4.6. There you must select "H/W Monitor" at the top and then the particular CHA_FAN header you are using for the Hub connection. Skip down to p. 79 and I'll write as if you were using CHA_FAN1. Set as follows:
  1. CHA_FAN1/WP Switch to "CHA_FAN1"
  2. Chassis Fan 1 Control Mode to PWM to ensure the PWM signal is sent out.
  3. Chassis Fan 1 Setting we'll change, but first set it to Standard Mode. Now change that to "Custom" and you'll see a screen showing five temperatures, and speed settings for each. Change the two lowest temp/speed settings so that, at those two lowest temperatures, the minimum speed is higher than originally set. This will make the lowest possible fan speeds higher so they do not stall. IF this step does not work completely, you MIGHT have to come back and adjust these a little higher. Use Esc to get back to the previous screen.
  4. Chassis Fan 1 Temp Source set to the motherboard temp sensor, not the one inside the CPU chip.
When done, use Esc to get back to the main Hardware Health screen on p.78 and choose Exit at top right. See p. 84 and choose Save Changes and Exit to save your settings and reboot.

Now, see what you fans are doing. If you watch very carefully right as soon as the reboot process starts, all of the fans should start up at full speed for a few seconds, then slow down as the cool system temperature reading is seen. But they should NOT stall. If they do stall, you might have to go back in and increase those minimum speed settings in item 3 above.
Would this solution work for any build?
Likely, yes, but I'll add a few notes to check. First, that post addressed a particular mobo that has some options you may not find on yours. But the concept is applicable genrally, and these days it is very common to be able to set the fan header MODE to either PWM or Voltage (aka DC), and to choose on another item between using the pre-programmed "Standard" strategy or to create and use your own strategy. By "strategy", I refer to the settings of what fan speed to use for what measured temperature, often called the "fan curve". At the heart of this approach is this issue: every fan has a minimum speed it can run, and it may stall if the signals it recieves from the mobo header tell it to run slower than that. On some mobos, the pre-programmed minimum speed may be lower than certain fans can tolerate, so they can stall when the system is cold and requests minimum speed. Now, a few mobos actually let you set the minimum speed as a separate configuration item. But for many the alternative is to set up your own custom "Fan Curve" and use that, ensuring that the lowest speed it will try to achieve at lowest temperatures is more than the fan's minimum so that it is never told to go too slow and stall.