PC crash/freeze. Network effected aswell?


Mar 22, 2013
Have a pc that we thought had a bad hdd. SMART test we're coming up caution, errors, pc freezing and crashing. Replaced the hdd with a new one. Tested it, passed SMART, crashes continue, although not as often and they seem to lock the pc up requiring a hard reset to resume. Also when the pc freezes it knocks the network down, either causing sever lag spikes for other pcs, or dropping them completely out of their games.
Temps look good for gpu, cpu. Memtest clears. Everything has been reseated.
Any ideas where to look towards next or a possible solution?

Maybe an issue with the NIC card? Sometimes you can get some crazy stuff going on when you mix and match network gear. Just a thought. Maybe try rolling back drivers on the card you are...
my thought process with the mobo is atleast it is what you connect to with the network XD, the only time i have ever had somthing take out the network was when windows decieded i need 10 weather i wanted it or not, then corrupted halfway through
Well with some more "play testing" /sigh. Had some more crashes while playing overwatch today. Seems to only crash when grouped with our other pc in party. It played fine when solo, or grouped with non local network players.
Had both pcs online no issues until they were grouped, which eventually would lead to this pc crashing.
I would say its an overwatch issue but the crashes persist on ffxiv aswell, however without the pcs needing to be grouped in game.
No issues with crashes while browsing, videos, etc. Have not tested other games.

oh, well wish i could help some mroe, but lan aint my thing, never used it, no clue how it works XD

Maybe an issue with the NIC card? Sometimes you can get some crazy stuff going on when you mix and match network gear. Just a thought. Maybe try rolling back drivers on the card you are using. Also if you have an extra PCI slot you could try a new card.