So I've had this problem for a few weeks now. It'll be at random time (whether I'm watching a video on YouTube, playing a game, or streaming) that my PC will freeze and my keyboard light and webcam shuts off, but everything else stays on but unresponsive. The PC itself remains on, all my monitors are on, the mouse light is on, but nothing responds. The PC never fails stress testing (real bench) and passes memory test with no errors. If audio is playing during the freeze, the audio will screech super loud throughout my headphones nonstop. I have to force shutoff the PC, restart button doesn't respond either.
Specs: I7-6700k (was OC'd @ 4.5ghz, just reset bios after last freeze 10 mins ago)
ASUS Z170-A Motherboard
2 GTX MSI 970's (SLI)
16GB of PNY Anarchy RAM
850 watt EVGA Bronze Power Supply
Hyper 212 Evo air cooler
Specs: I7-6700k (was OC'd @ 4.5ghz, just reset bios after last freeze 10 mins ago)
ASUS Z170-A Motherboard
2 GTX MSI 970's (SLI)
16GB of PNY Anarchy RAM
850 watt EVGA Bronze Power Supply
Hyper 212 Evo air cooler