Question PC Crashes on Black screen or freeze when gaming and streaming and Mouse isn't responsive.


Nov 29, 2019
The problem seems like when I am Streaming a movie in discord on second monitor, playing game on main screen. I never had issues before the past two months. The problem started when I was just playing D4 and just streaming a movie on second screen my screen turned black, my fans kicked up and I had to hard restart. I updated my Video Card Drivers to latest which helped but the problem started occuring more now only when I try to stream while gaming in discord.

The problem seems to happen more when I try to stream a movie through Chrome/Firefox and share my screen through Discord on second monitor while I play my game on main monitor. It has never been a major issue til about one to two months. Sorry if the wording of this post is a little hit or miss just explaining my issue.

My game freezes and I had to bring up task manager via keyboard because the mouse was stuttering and slow response it wouldn't even let me click anything.

When I closed the game via Keyboard the mouse is just slowly stuttering across screen and not allowing me to click anything or sometimes mouse is not even on screen or showing.

I have had to hard reset the computer then everything works fine. I checked Memtest overnight and it passed fine on memory. I also updated the Nvidia Driver not to latest but the one before which fixed heavy crashing from past driver issues.

Not sure where to put this. My temperature seemed fine I did see my CPU with First Descendant open go to 70C and I have a stream open on other screen I am watching but 99% of the time it is never an issue. Also Discord is open.

Not quite sure where to look. I would rather not have to open up my computer to take off the annoying CPU Cooler if I can avoid it. I cleaned out the computer like two weeks ago of dust.

Can you tell me how to show Full hardware Specs & OS information?

The problem randomly occurs. Like I play a game, have a stream playing on other stream, while talking to friends in discord...Everything will be fine for hours then I just randomly game Freezes and when I go to task manager My mouse is not even on screen or moving when I move it around I have to use my keyboard to navigate Task Manager and Shut down but when I do The mouse isn't present or working.

I have also noticed the only time my screen usually goes black is if I am Streaming a movie through Firefox for my friends in discord, While Gaming and the fans will kick up and the screen will go black...and I am forced to hard restart.

My buddy told me it might be my power supply so he told me to swap the cables into different open unused plugs which I did.

I also scanned for viruses with Malwarebytes & SuperAntiSpyware and found nothing...I did a Clean install of Latest Nvidia Driver for my 2080Ti, I also did a Memtest for 4hrs I let run overnight and found no issues. I have the latest BIOs I updated last year and I haven't seen any new updates for it. I also checked task manager when I was playing First Descendant and it said That CPU usage for it was 70-85% use and GPU was 1%-10% and I heard it was because it is poorly optimized. I was told to go into windows settings and make the .exe run at High performance and I checked again and then it looked like GPU was being used but I haven't had much time to play game and see if it still occurs. Also I did a chkdsk and found no errors.

This started like a month or two ago. On Sept 1st I was playing Risk of Rain 2 with my friends and I alt + Tab to use calculator and went back to game and screen froze on main Monitor and my other monitor had a stream playing fine on second screen but my computer became unresponsive so I had to hard restart.

CPU-Z & Event Viewer.
Current CPU-Z info
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