Question PC crashes when gaming ?

Sep 15, 2023
Lately (since about 2 months) my PC crashes completely after 5 to 30 minutes when playing almost all games. It shuts down completely. Before I can restart it, I have to disconnect the power supply with the switch so that it reacts to being switched on again. It started very rarely with one game. Now it happens very often with almost all games. Unfortunately, there is no real pattern to it. Sometimes it crashes after 5 minutes in a game and sometimes after 45. And sometimes a game runs without problems and it doesn't crash at all. I have already updated all drivers, done performance checks but have no idea what the problem is. Especially because all games worked for 2 years without any problems. Only since it happened once has it somehow become more frequent.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 6 3600 6-Core, 3593 Mhz, 6 cores , 12 logical processors
Mainboard: B450M Pro4
RAM: 16.0 GB
PSU: Corsair CX450M PC Netzteil 450 W 80PLUS Bronze (3 years old)
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