PC crashing randomly on occasion (error 41 kernal power)


Aug 13, 2017
So I've been getting the kernel power issue for 2 weeks or so now. It seems to happen anywhere from 10-30 minutes after I awake the computer from sleep but sometimes it also does not happen. It started to occur when I took one of my "old" DVD writers and hooked it up to my PC (note: this DVD driver was in the same computer but I just didnt move it over when I switched cases), I hooked it into the motherboard with my sata cable and forgot to actually plug it into the PSU. I turn on my computer and it runs for about say 7 minutes while I look up why my DVD writer wasn't working (reason being again I didn't hook it up to the PSU) and randomly my entire PC powers down. I try to turn it back on and it powers down within 20 seconds. So I remove the DVD drive and plug everything back in like it used to be and then that's when the issue started to occur. Today windows actually froze for about 2 minutes and then blue screened, giving me the "DPC Watchdog Violation" stop code. I'm just wondering if its something I can solve. Help is much appreciated.
Need full system specs including the power supply brand and model. Is anything overclocked? If it is, then set things to stock speeds. Try resetting the BIOS to defaults, unplug system from wall power, remove CMOS battery for about 10 seconds. Could be a power supply failing.
Need full system specs including the power supply brand and model. Is anything overclocked? If it is, then set things to stock speeds. Try resetting the BIOS to defaults, unplug system from wall power, remove CMOS battery for about 10 seconds. Could be a power supply failing.