Question Pc displays nothing

Mar 1, 2019
Just bought a new pc but it shows only a black screen when booting,It does work eventually and then no problems appear till booting again,Same problem was on my old pc.I tried plugging out everything,monitor cables are also new Could it be the Power cable? My monitor is a pretty.old 1080p monitor but its light is on and is propely plugged.Can anyone help out?
The pc starts and I hear and see it working,but displays nothing on the monitor,I dont think the problem is in the new pc because I had the same problem with my old one.I can get it to work tho after like hours of restarting it
CPU:i7 3770k
ram 2x4 kingston ram ddt3
Asrock mobo H61m
Seasonic S12 620 wat psu
Old asus monitor 1680x1050,which I will replace in a couple of days,I connect to it with a Dvi D dual lane cable.