Question After bios config PC don't start and can't get into bios

Jun 6, 2024
Hi, yesterday I was trying to play valorant with a friend on my pc with windows 11 recently installed but there was a vanguard error, when we see a tutorial with a bios config to secure boot, I put the key management on custom and disabled csm, before doing the key management change, I was in a bios loop and after the key management change, the pc wont boot, The lights from the cpu fan and other lights shows, but peripherals, like keyboard and mouse don`t show any light, not even when the pc starts, just never shows any kind of lights (peripherals), I tried clearing CMOS many times since yesterday, unplugging it, removing the battery for five minutes and nothing happened, trying with a screwdriver at the cmos pins and just nothing works, even tried starting the pc without the battery many times and with all this tests just don´t show any kind of changes on the behavior when the pc turns on, I also tried disconnecting the gpu and trying the mobo hdmi, putting one ram only, tried with oter ram slots, disconnecting all disks, and just nothing seems to work and I am getting out of options here

Hope someone could help me, english it’s not my main language, sorry if you find any redaction or wrong use of words, thank you all.

My pc specs

Ryzen 5 3600

16 gb ram gskill tridentz

B450 Aourus elite

M.2 ssd 500 gb

Ssd sata 240 gb

Hdd 1 tb

Rx 5500 xt
Jun 6, 2024
Hi, yesterday I was trying to play valorant with a friend on my pc with windows 11 recently installed but there was a vanguard error, when we see a tutorial with a bios config to secure boot, I put the key management on custom and disabled csm, before doing the key management change, I was in a bios loop and after the key management change, the pc wont boot, The lights from the cpu fan and other lights shows, but peripherals, like keyboard and mouse don`t show any light, not even when the pc starts, just never shows any kind of lights (peripherals), I tried clearing CMOS many times since yesterday, unplugging it, removing the battery for five minutes and nothing happened, trying with a screwdriver at the cmos pins and just nothing works, even tried starting the pc without the battery many times and with all this tests just don´t show any kind of changes on the behavior when the pc turns on, I also tried disconnecting the gpu and trying the mobo hdmi, putting one ram only, tried with oter ram slots, disconnecting all disks, and just nothing seems to work and I am getting out of options here

Hope someone could help me, english it’s not my main language, sorry if you find any redaction or bad use of words, thank you all.

My pc specs

Ryzen 5 3600

16 gb ram gskill tridentz

B450 Aourus elite

M.2 ssd 500 gb

Ssd sata 240 gb

Hdd 1 tb

Rx 5500 xt
Hey there,

You will have to clear CMOS. That will most likely fix the issue. It's like resetting the bios. There should be a button on the motherboard for CLRTC. Push this and try and fire it up again. If no button then you will have to short out two pins on the mobo marked 'CLRTC'. Hopefully once done this will get you going agian.


>english it’s not my main language, sorry if you find any redaction or bad use of words

No worries, it's not mine either. ESL FTW.

>Ok, did It again and nothing seems to change

Suggest disconnecting 24-pin power cable from MB, then retry the clear_CMOS, pull battery, etc routine.

Next step is to tear it down, and rebuild it piece-by-piece, trying for POST at each step.
Was working till the BIOS changes I can't see pulling it apart helping.
You can make some changes in BIOS that reseting don't change back.

I've seen it before after CSM and secure boot. Only fix I know of is pulling the GPU and it will boot using the built in graphics but the CPU he has don't have that.
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>Was working till the BIOS changes I can't see pulling it apart helping.
>You can make some changes in BIOS that reseting don't change back.

Perhaps it doesn't directly help (to do teardown and rebuild), but indirectly, I find it to be a big help to solve seemingly intractable PC issues.

As DIY'er, my maxim is always to "break big problem into smaller problems." Minimize configuration is a subset of that, which comes with a teardown. It's also a boost to more flexible problem-solving when seeing the parts laid out, as opposed to staring at a monolithic big box. It allows easier part swaps, for one.

At the very least, it is something constructive you can do, in lieu of doing nothing while stressing over a dead PC. I find the anxiety to be the worst thing about troubleshooting.

>I've seen it before after CSM and secure boot.

If secure boot is changed. OP may need to disconnect storage, because the changed boot process may hang at the drive and eventually timing out.

Which again can be seen with a teardown to only core parts.
See my above post! I know exactly what I'm talking about!

For just removing the drive if it was formatted in GPT it should work if it was MBR he would have a black screen with a blinking _ in the upper left corner.

From what he said I have no clue what he did, no clue what this is even talking about. "before doing the key management change"

EDIT I'm not a DIY'er I been doing this longer than most people that post here are old, except the regulars.
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You should be trying to boot into BIOS to change back the settings you changed. If you can't boot into BIOS to change the settings back.
From my experience the only way to do that is to remove the video card and use the built in graphics that you don't have. No 100% on that but has fixed this problem before.
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