So I've got 200Mbps internet speeds from TWC. Every other computer in the house that is hardwired is getting that 200 down/roughly 20 up, but my computer never gets more than about 45 down/roughly 20 up.
I originally thought it was my motherboard going bad because no matter how I tried to connect to our network I couldn't get anything more than those speeds. Seeing as I am getting the correct upload speeds though, I'm starting to think something is restricting my download speeds, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is.
I've looked at other posts but nothing seems to work for me and I don't know enough about windows services to look and see if something may be the culprit.
PC Specs:
Windows 10
AMD Fx 8350
nVidia gtx 1070
16GB ddr3
I've been looking for help everywhere and I'm getting really frustrated with it at this point.
I originally thought it was my motherboard going bad because no matter how I tried to connect to our network I couldn't get anything more than those speeds. Seeing as I am getting the correct upload speeds though, I'm starting to think something is restricting my download speeds, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is.
I've looked at other posts but nothing seems to work for me and I don't know enough about windows services to look and see if something may be the culprit.
PC Specs:
Windows 10
AMD Fx 8350
nVidia gtx 1070
16GB ddr3
I've been looking for help everywhere and I'm getting really frustrated with it at this point.