PC framerate issues?

Al Capwn069

Jan 29, 2011
Hello. I am confused as to why so many games run choppy on my PC. As far as I can tell, my computer meets or exceeds every recommended requirement for every game I own, yet still when I try to play the more graphic intensive games such as The Witcher 2, Crysis, and Far Cry 3, I get terrible framerates unless i play on mid to low settings. My specs are listed below:

Intel i7 2600k CPU
Nvidia GTX 560 ti GPU
8gb DDR3 RAM

Now with the specs listed above, is there any reason I shouldn't be able to crank up the settings on Far Cry 3? In which the recommended requirements are listed as an Intel 2.6GHz dual core CPU, 2GB DDR3 RAM, and a NV8600 512 Mb RAM GPU? Is there something I'm missing here? Any feedback would help. Thanks.
You'll play every game but not in high. Far Cry3 will even run but on Low-med settings because GTX 560 Ti is a little weak.

Recommended settings are just stupid. They tell that with that hardware you'll be able to open the game, not play the game on ultra or something.

That's nonsense. GTX 560 Ti is just below the speed of HD 7850. It will let him play on high settings at 1920x1080.
Thanks for the responses. Game is definentally playable on high, but framerate drops dramatically as opposed to medium. Would you recommend getting a second card? And if so, what should I be aiming for if I want to run these games on ultra?
I have a lowe pc than yours (4gb ddr2, Q6600 and 560Ti), and i played crysis on ultra and witcher 2 on high-ultra.

Now, that will work, but the frames will drop at certain points to "unplayable". Its mostly bad optimization of the Engine, since it wont happen always in the same situations.

Now, myself i belive "playable" is about 40 FPS, and "best" is about 60. Depending on the person, some people actually are even ok with 25-30 fps.

The recommended settings as mentioned before is simple useless.

That beeing said, Witcher 2 has some settings that are real frame killers (i dont remmber exactly but i think there was soething called "ultra-realistic"?), so i suggest you google those to change the settings accordingly.

Crysis 1 is unfortunatelly not well optimized, but i did run it on 40 fps with High/Ultra settings in the first half of the game (unfortunatelly, later on, the game is so badly coded that even on low you will get frame drops).

Dont know anything about farcry 3.