Pc freezes with buzzing sound (if there is sound comming out of the speakers during the freeze)


Dec 2, 2014

Thanks for taking time to go through this.

I have an issue with my pc keeps freezing at random points and if there is sound from the speakers when the pc freezes the sound will start buzzing and then completely stop.

I've read through many of the threads all ready on this page, unfortunately none of it have helped.

I have formatted my main drive as I have read it could have something to do with the drivers (before formatting I had tried re-installing various drivers, graphic card, sound and even the flash)

I noticed every time I re-installed my flash-player the problem where solved for a short period of time, because of this i formatted the pc itself.

There is no conductive trigger for this issue, it can happen during watching a movie, it just stand with nothing running but avast, sitting on facebook or during a game.
It can happen within 5 minutes of turning on the computer or after it have been running for days.

When the pc freezes then after a random period of time from 5 minutes to some hours all the fans will then suddenly run at max like its overheating.

So here is the list what I have done.

I have been checking temperatures, although the issue even appeared sometimes 5 minutes after turning on the pc and I had opened nothing at all.
Also as a side note I could play Shadows of Mordor for 12 hours straight and it didn't overheat/crash.

As the pc sometimes said that the screendriver stopped responding I tried using this Fix it solution from MS. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2665946

I have run memtest with several passes.

I had a old cheap 650watt energon PSU, which I have replaced with a 900W nitrox psu instead

I have updated my Bios.

I have run a stress test without any issues aswell.

I have tried using a program called Driver Fusion.

Tried to reset the motherboard to default.


What I have been wondering and fearing about is the following.

Could it be that the Hard drive or the ram is failing but not showing up during the memtest?.

Could it help if I formatted both my hard drives instead of just the one with my windows on?

I have heard the issue could also come from external sound cards, but I am using the inbuilt in my motherboard.



CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965.
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D14

Motherboard: GA-890GPA-UD3H


GPU: ATI Radeon R9 290 4GB


Thanks in advance!!!


Can u try removing your gpu use the integrated graphics and see if the computer has the same problem. That screendriver stopped responding really isnt a good sign and might be caused by your gpu or your gpu driver. Try that
Thanks for the advice Bjsm

I have replaced the hdd and reinstalled windows, although just within 30minutes I got a bluescreen and roughly 30-40minutes after that I had another freeze with buzzing while playing worms armageddon
Can u try removing your gpu use the integrated graphics and see if the computer has the same problem. That screendriver stopped responding really isnt a good sign and might be caused by your gpu or your gpu driver. Try that
Thanks for the help Bjsm.

I guess I just wouldnt face it that it was the gf Card, Ive had no more issues without the gf Card and I have now sent it to the store i bought it at.

Atleast they cant complain that I didnt troubleshoot before just sending it off to them

Thanks Again!

If they write what the issue with the Card was I will write it here.
Sadly I am back

I got my graphic card back, they found an error and replaced it with a similar model although its different in design.

I still have the issue.

Now i am just wondering if its the, Ram, CPU or Mainboard :/