PC Freezing Constantly / Frequently


May 1, 2017
Hello , recently or actually for a couple of months im having problems with my build , each day ill have from the morning till night about 15 freezes or so , 1-2 of them will require a power shut down to fix , so before 3 months i was having other problems (cant remember) and i called a technician to help me fix them , i gave him the pc for checkup and he told me that my motherboard was shortcircuited or something like that , i asked why did that happen and he respond that there's a high chance it was made from the power shutdowns the local electricity company made ( i dont know if i called that right) anyway now im having freezes like cursor stops programs start not responding from simple tasks not only from gaming , what i mean is that i open my computer and i go to youtube watch a video with nothing else open and it just starts not responding at all for 3 minutes or more , that also happens when i game (more frequently) i always have task manager open to check usages etc. and everything its fine , some games eat my ram up to 80%-90% and disk to 40% but everything else is fine , temperatures are low like cpu 30-50 gpu 40-50-60 celcius and mobo 40-50 ... i dont know what to do , my rig is Gigabyte Ga 970 ds3p , fx 6300 , ram 8 gb (2 4gb 633mhz ) , asus dual gtx 1060 6gb (changed my r9 280x at april) , a hamburg 530w psu ... anyway i really want and answer about how to fix or what to do to fix this problem (cheap please , i considered upgrading mobo but a new mobo also needs a new cpu and new ram which shoot the price to the sky like 400euro ) i really cant afford such upgrades right now !! :/ im only 14 and i really dont have much money anyway i bought it at 20/1/2015 (the pc) sorry for the long post please provide answers ,suggestions or personal experience .. thanks !! :)

Greetings Mr. Calvin and thanks for answering :) , i already have 8gb of memory and this may sound weird but i really want it to happen anyway :) , after i 'complete' this build i will just change the parts to another case and ill keep this machine with the old r9 for a server in case i want a server in one of the games i play , can i buy the 8gb ram you send and also keep the ones i already have??? will this have any major impact on my performance i mean the rams i have right now are lower frequency.