Question PC freezing every time I try to go through Windows 11 first time setup


Oct 11, 2016
So my PC would randomly shut off with no warning. Whocrashed and that other software (i think it was called OCCT) gave me nothing, no details at all.

I'd try to turn it back on and it would always freeze at the ROG splash screen, some days I'd get super lucky and make it in, not like I could use the PC because it'd shut off on me anyways

So I tried a clean install of Windows but that didnt help

I now replaced the PSU, and swapped out a new SSD, and trying to do a clean install of Windows 11 it keeps freezing during the initial setup

Any ideas/suggestions would really help me out :'(

Crosshair VIII mobo
64gb RAM Corsair Vengeance
MSI 3080
Ryzen 5950

These photos are the spots it always hangs up, forcing me to restart:

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