Question PC freezing issue

Jun 24, 2024
Ok, so my PC is the following:

Asus Tufgaming 570 plus wifi
Amd 5950 16 core
Amd x6700 video card
128gb Kingston 3400 ram
Windows 10 home

All hardware at factory specs and speeds, zero overclock.

Started as a weird issue. My PC would freeze after a few minutes idle. Would have to do a hard restart. This would not happen if I opened a program such as YouTube tv or a game. It would then run for hours with no issue. Only thing in windows error report was unexpected restart. Figured must be windows. Since I hadn't done a clean install since building it 2.5 years ago, decided to wipe and reinstall.

Got windows reinstalled and it still happened. Decided to ensure it wasn't the SSD failing, so I removed it and installed to another new drive. Same result.

Removed the video card and installed an old one. Same result. Decided to wipe again and reinstall. Now it freezes before windows can even install.

Ran memtest last night. As of this morning, it was 3/4 through the 3rd pass with 9 hours of testing and no errors.

I'm kinda stumped. Was going to replace the cmos battery when I get home to eliminate that. But I could leave the bios up and it wouldn't freeze until boot. Any other ideas?
I'd suggest starting with testing all of the DIMMs individually with memtest86+. If each stick passes with no errors, then test them in two's (if they were a 2 x kit). Then finally all 4 together. Let us know the results.

What bios are you running? If you recently update it, did you clear CMOS after the update?
Jun 24, 2024
Exact model?

128gb of ram, in what configuration? Bought as a 4 x kit? If not, this is most likely your issue. What speed is the ram running at? Are you using XMP?
I'd have to look when I get home, am currently at work. Bought as rwo 2x32 kits. One set at original build Dec 22 and the second set about a year ago. Not using xmp as far as I am aware. Running at stock 3200 (Kingston Fury Beast). I did ensure the two pairs are properly matched in the dimm channels i.e. 1st set paired and second set paired.
I'd suggest starting with testing all of the DIMMs individually with memtest86+. If each stick passes with no errors, then test them in two's (if they were a 2 x kit). Then finally all 4 together. Let us know the results.

What bios are you running? If you recently update it, did you clear CMOS after the update?
I would also have to check that when I get home. Bios is what was on the board at purchase. I saw no reason to flash it without need and have as yet had no need to.

Sorry if these are not the most helpful answers. But I am not with the comp currently.
I'd have to look when I get home, am currently at work. Bought as rwo 2x32 kits. One set at original build Dec 22 and the second set about a year ago. Not using xmp as far as I am aware. Running at stock 3200 (Kingston Fury Beast). I did ensure the two pairs are properly matched in the dimm channels i.e. 1st set paired and second set paired.
Okay, so try with just one matched kit of 2 x 32gb. Does the problem remain?

I would also have to check that when I get home. Bios is what was on the board at purchase. I saw no reason to flash it without need and have as yet had no need to.

Sorry if these are not the most helpful answers. But I am not with the comp currently.
Okay, so bios updated bring all sorts of goodies to the table. From performance enhancements to memory compatability, GPU bugs and security fixes. If the bios is the one at purchase, you really need to update it to a new one. So version 5005/5113. Be sure to clear CMOS (CLRTC) after bios update, Like this: on the,date, and Load Optimized Defaults.

Let us know how that goes.
Jun 24, 2024
So I now appear to be stable. I flashed the bios and went ahead and changed the CMOS. I think it was a bios issue of some ilk.

With the new bios I've had a new copy of Windows 11 up and running since last night. Wanted to make sure it was stable over night and through the afternoon before I started the slog of re-installing everything and getting used to a new OS. I went ahead and went with 11 rather than re-installing 10 since it is closing in on end of support.

Thanks for all the help. I'll report back if it starts showing signs of instability again. If it does, I'll test the RAM individually and in pairs and report back. I was trying to avoid that since my Noctua makes pulling the RAM a pita.
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