Question PC game, can't remember the name, please help if you can.

Mar 5, 2020
This game is one of those old kids edutainment types, but I haven't found anything so far that matches my memory. It had multiple activities, including- I think it was a puzzle game? And when you did all the pieces right, the picture would move and a jazzed up instrumental tune of 'Happy Birthday' would play; and potentially other such popular kids songs.

I don't know for sure if it was a puzzle game, but I remember the moving picture and the song playing. And the scene I remember particularly was in a bathroom, a bear taking a bath. I think there was another one that was actually a birthday party. Complete with blowing candles and party hats, the works.

And the game had animals like bears, mice, possibly others. Very cartoonish and wacky looking. I can't even really recall the other activites or anything else, I wish I did but it's been such a long time ago.

I think it had to be from the 90's to early 2000s based on when I was born, the majority of PC games and console games I grew up with being in that timeframe. If any of this sounds familiar to you, if you think you know what it is please reply! Thanks so so so much in advance.

Update: I think I remember the other game I was trying to find! I'd at least like to know what it was even if it's not available anywhere anymore, have come across nothing that remotely matches.

It was an older internet game that I'm pretty sure on Disney Online, back when it was good. It had something to do with these cute animated flowers, similar looking to ones from Disney's cartoon Alice- They had to escape from this man who wanted to either pick them, eat them, or kill them all.

You had a limited amount of days, or so to save them. I don't remember what the game play was like, sadly. But after you failed and whatever the consequence of failing was- The flowers would then say something, and it was either very creepy or very sad. Can't remember what that was either.

The funny thing that's just occured to me is- I'm not sure it was a game game, like one you were even supposed to win. Also most likely from the 90s/early 2000s.

Anyway, again if anything about it sounds familiar to you and/or you think you might know what it could be; please reply to this question.

Update 2: Have provided the general time period, forgot to include that earlier. And then have added another part of the description of the game.
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Might help if you give a general time period of when you think this game existed. I googled some key words you used and found this:'s_Birthday_Surprise

Thank you, I'd forgotten to put that in.

And also thanks for the search and finding, sadly doesn't match the few images I have in my head. I don't know how to put this another way, it was much more cartoonish and wacky, have put that in the description as well.