I concur with cmmcnamara. I to spend most of my cash on hardware upgrades. The part in the article about people sticking to multiplayer games for years is correct in my opinion for the most part. I still have a load of friends who play BF2 (only because EA didn't release Bad Company for the pc) and cs source. I still play these games to, however, I buy at least 4 pc games per year, this year I bought the Witcher, X3 Reunion 2.0, Supreme Commander and FarCry 2 for the pc, and intend to buy GTA4 and Fallout 3 for the pc as well, at the very least anyways 😉.
As long as the games are good, pc gamers will buy them. But since we spend so much money on our machines, and since, quote "Peddie “discovered a robust market of do-it-yourselfers and consumers who upgrade their PCs with high-performance gaming graphics boards.”" we are therefore theoretically more tech savy than most casual to enthusiast console gamers, and we check our games before we drop the cash on em. So you won't see nearly as many of a stupid game sell on a pc as they do on consoles, the Nintendo Wii is a perfect example of crap games that sell big, i'm not insulting the Wii in any way here btw. And besides, one of the ironic reasons the pc gaming market is going down is strickly because idiot gaming companies like EA are stoping to release games for the pc and putting ridiculous constraints for instalations on them, their lattest drm being 3 activations, with a new activation required for every reformat and hardware upgrade, which is dumb, I upgrade hardware and reformat together what, at least 5 times per year :S? (correct me politely if i'm wrong). So no shit sherlock we will have less sales to our name, we get less games, inhuman restrictions and many of them are delayed as well. If I had a ps3 theres no doubt in my mind I would have goten gta4 when it came out, and not bother waiting 8ish months to get it for the pc.
Ive owned consoles since the super nintendo, and i've never bought as many games as I do for the pc, but if a game like age of empires 3 came out for the Wii and didnt suck, id be all over it 😀