[citation][nom]pirateboy[/nom]Eyecandy has nothing to do with how much fun a game is.90% of the games that come out nowadays suck gameplaywise, look pretty and are not worth their money.But oh well, I guess it's easy to please the console gaming crowd who have no idea what gaming used to be all about.Diablo3 is prolly gonna rule and will most likely be worth buying.[/citation]
Unfortunatly it's not just from a technology standpoint, the artstyle shifted towards what they seems to do best, toonish 3d art. They probably thought, 'hey, we made so much money from millions of people around the world with that crappy WoW game, toonish style seems to hypnotize the mass into buying into our products, let's just do it with Diablo too, fuck the hardcore old-school Diablo fans, let's please the Blizz Fanboys, our fanboys'.