pc get reboot while gaming


Mar 19, 2017
i have a big problem with my gaming pc which i bought a few months ago but still it is under warranty. in actual i have set up this one computer for gaming. while i am in normal gaming and pc is under normal use of system it dont have ay problem but while i run high games it get reboot during a elcetric cut from main supply and ups failed to save computer to get reboot so i have installed inverter for this but problem is still as before. what should i do? it have a motherboard problem or i have to upgrade my psu? (it is a urgent case as i have asked two times before but did not get any response). hope i will get best answer and solution for my problem. thank you and will appeciate for solution of it.

My system spec is:- CPU: FX-6300 3.5 ghz black edition (Unlocked)
Motherboard: Gigabyte 72LMT-S2PT Ram: 8GB
PSU model:-Zebronic ZEB-N450W(DSATA) Economy series (20=4 pin)
UPS:-iball UPS-621V
OS: Windows 10 64 bit version.
Monitor: 22" meaning 1080p gaming
Back up inverter:- sf sonic prima 900 12v pure sinewave with 900ah battery.
It is likely your crap PSU. When faulty/cheap PSUs are under heavy load from high end games or benchmarking, they crap out and your PC shuts down. I urge you to get a tier 1 or tier 2 PSU. Unrated ones like yours are fire hazard computer killers, if your lucky. If your not they just might kill you too while they are burning down your house with you in it.

It is likely your crap PSU. When faulty/cheap PSUs are under heavy load from high end games or benchmarking, they crap out and your PC shuts down. I urge you to get a tier 1 or tier 2 PSU. Unrated ones like yours are fire hazard computer killers, if your lucky. If your not they just might kill you too while they are burning down your house with you in it.
