Question pc glass panel fell

Nov 20, 2024
While i was putting back my case glass panel i misaglined and it accidentally fell vertically for about 12cm. It doesn't look that there are any cracks on it. is it safe to reuse it or there is a risk it can shatter itself at the minum touch. Those things seems to be fragile i saw posts of people glass panels randomly shattering becasue they put the pc on the ground
it accidentally fell vertically for about 12cm
The fact that the glass panel didn't break when it landed on it's edge, is a good thing. I would however be wary of anything hitting the side of the panel, that's what usually causes the panel to shatter.

FYI, be sure to check and doublecheck the side panel's fitment before lifting it.
it accidentally fell vertically for about 12cm
The fact that the glass panel didn't break when it landed on it's edge, is a good thing. I would however be wary of anything hitting the side of the panel, that's what usually causes the panel to shatter.

FYI, be sure to check and doublecheck the side panel's fitment before lifting it.
You mean anithing inside the case too? There Is the pcie cable that constantly hits that

"be sure to check and doublecheck the side panel's fitment before lifting it"

Wdym by that? I was puttinf It back i dint lift it

Also could It be weaker now and be more prone tò breaking? That thing cuts if It brakes
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Also could It be weaker now and be more prone tò breaking? That thing cuts if It brakes
ultimately it could be weaker now, but if it looks fine it probably will be fine, don't worry about it, it's very unlikely to break all by it's self, if it does break glass doesn't conduct so the shards won't short anything out, it'll just make a mess so don't worry about it unless it happens

if your specifically concerned about safety (small children, pets etc...) you can get that transparent safety film stuff you stick on glass so that if it breaks it stays together and doesn't cut anyone