Pc good enough?


Mar 15, 2012
first of all I wanna thank you all for having the time to read this.
I wanted to know your opinion on this cpu and gpu I am using to play swtor. the lowest I get is about 30-50 fps in warzones, max settings at 1920 resolution, and I get 50+ everywhere else in the world.
the cpu is this CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor
gpu: Video Card: Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 2GB Video Card
OS: windows 8 64-bit
ram: 8gb 1600 Mhz

do you guys think im getting the fps im supposed to get? and what if I want to upgrade and get more fps? should I replapce cpu? or gpu? or both? I have heard that this cpu is more than enough for swtor and that If I want to replace something and get more fps, it should be the gpu. what do you guys think?


Oct 29, 2012
You don't really need to upgrade the cpu because as I can see, you aren't overclocking so I think that cpu is okay It is not bottlenecking your gpu. But you can still upgrade it to 3570 or 3770 if you have budget. But remember it is only a few steps apart. So upgrading your cpu will not really gain much of fps(or maybe none, not really sure). But regarding you gpu, if you want a constant 60 fps but your on lower budget, your best bet would be 7950/660 ti but I think with your resolution, 7950 would be better. If I were you, to save money then don't upgrade yet the cpu, upgrade only the gpu if you have the money.


Mar 15, 2012
yea, im maxing the settings. well, actually It was all by default. and yes, I thought that cpu was ok and that would not gain much (in terms of fps) if I upgraded it. thanks for confirming that to me =)
I will look forward into buying a better gpu then. ^_^