I have been having very strange problems that started recently. My PC shuts down randomly and for no apparent reason.
My Hardware as follows, for reference
Mobo, GA-970A-D3P
cpu, amd fx-6120
ram, generic kingston 8gb
psu, corsair cx-750m
gpu, xfx 7870 core ed.
6 case fans on fan controller
1 tb seagate hdd
First symptom, when I turn off the power strip to my entertainment stand on another wall in the same room, PC shuts down, did it several times to make sure, pc still shut down each time.
And just before I started to write this it shut down and took several tries to turn back on. (shutdown while in a bf3 rush match)
First time I turned it back on, bios give me the ok beep, reach bios screen, turns off.
Second time, turns on, doesn't beep, then off.
Then fans spin beep and bios screen.
Then nothing, fans spin, but no bios.
Then nothing, fans spin, but no bios.
Then, fans spin, bios ok beep, bios screen, and turns on and stays on.
Here is what I checked and know is ok.
Everything attached to mobo, via the single beep on startup.
Temperatures, are all below 45 celsius as of now.
No overclocks and all the fans spin, even the psu fan spins and blows air out.
It has ran perfectly fine before all this started to happen, no hiccups at all.
Do not believe I have any viruses of any sort.
No smell of burnt anything, everything was warm but not hot to the touch.
I would like to suspect the power supply, but it smells and sounds smooth to me.
Perhaps I will try bf3 again and record the temps.
I built this pc my self, and recently added alchemy extensions to give the window view a nice look.
I am confused as to why this is happening, because it worked just fine before and works just fine after.
Thank You.
Edit: in game temps, gpu 62, cpu 35
My Hardware as follows, for reference
Mobo, GA-970A-D3P
cpu, amd fx-6120
ram, generic kingston 8gb
psu, corsair cx-750m
gpu, xfx 7870 core ed.
6 case fans on fan controller
1 tb seagate hdd
First symptom, when I turn off the power strip to my entertainment stand on another wall in the same room, PC shuts down, did it several times to make sure, pc still shut down each time.
And just before I started to write this it shut down and took several tries to turn back on. (shutdown while in a bf3 rush match)
First time I turned it back on, bios give me the ok beep, reach bios screen, turns off.
Second time, turns on, doesn't beep, then off.
Then fans spin beep and bios screen.
Then nothing, fans spin, but no bios.
Then nothing, fans spin, but no bios.
Then, fans spin, bios ok beep, bios screen, and turns on and stays on.
Here is what I checked and know is ok.
Everything attached to mobo, via the single beep on startup.
Temperatures, are all below 45 celsius as of now.
No overclocks and all the fans spin, even the psu fan spins and blows air out.
It has ran perfectly fine before all this started to happen, no hiccups at all.
Do not believe I have any viruses of any sort.
No smell of burnt anything, everything was warm but not hot to the touch.
I would like to suspect the power supply, but it smells and sounds smooth to me.
Perhaps I will try bf3 again and record the temps.
I built this pc my self, and recently added alchemy extensions to give the window view a nice look.
I am confused as to why this is happening, because it worked just fine before and works just fine after.
Thank You.
Edit: in game temps, gpu 62, cpu 35