PC Improvements


Nov 27, 2012
Hello all!

So, I'm looking to improve my PC's frame rate during gaming. What with Christmas season rolling around, I've got the opportunity to do some upgrading, and I definitely plan on doing so. Here are my specs, acquired through System Requirements Lab (if it matters):
AMD Phenom(tm) 9600B Quad-Core Processor
2.3 GHz (CPU Speed)
4.1 GB (RAM)
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
GeForce GTX 560 Ti
High Definition Audio Device
768.5 GB (Free Disk Space)
What about my machine is in greatest need of improvement? Most games are completely playable already, but some can be kind of iffy. A few examples: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, I get an FPS of anywhere from 30-60, with certain maps (Overflow, to be specific) dropping my FPS all the way down to 20; Battlefield 3, this is where I'm most disappointed in my PC's performance, I get around 20-30 FPS in up to 24-player matches, with anything above 32 players causing extreme drops (below 10), to the point of being unplayable. Kind of sad, I can't enjoy the 64 player matches that the PC version of BF3 boasts of.
Thanks in advance for any help!
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I play BO2 at almost maxed settings (only shadows and anti-aliasing below max), and BF3 at low settings with anti-aliasing post set to max because it makes a huge visual difference and doesn't really affect my FPS.
You need to upgrade the CPU, motherboard and RAM. Depending on your budget, I'd suggest going for Intel i5 if you want the CPU to last long.


Oct 9, 2012
All right, so the main things that matter when gaming, are the CPU, RAM and Graphics card. Upgrade these, and you'll be fine. I'm not sure what your budget is, but try to get a core i7 processor, at least 8GB of RAM. Your graphics card is fine. Although if you want to upgrade it, go for a NVIDIA GT 650M card or higher. If you're a Radeon fan, then the equivalent is a AMD Radeon 7770M or higher. They're both mid level class one graphics cards so they'll manage all your games with medium-high settings without a problem. But you won't really need to. You're running a pretty decent card now, so don't waste cash.
Your processor is where the main problem lies. Right now you have a decent GPU (Graphics processing unit, this is the graphics card. JUST IN CASE you didn't know.)but a low-mid level processor. Games can manage low-mid level GPUs with good processors, but not the other way around, which is whats happening now. So upgrade your processor to a i7, since that's designed for gaming. If you're budget can't afford an i7, then get a 3rd gen core i5 processor. That will give you a better performance than what you're running now, but not as much as an i7 would. :)


Oct 9, 2012

Lol? Are you serious? Who actually does that? No where in my post did I mention a laptop... All my post said was that he needs a better processor and should upgrade his RAM and GPU as well...

Try not to comment if you don't understand posts :)
First of all, GT 650m and HD 7770m are laptop cards. Secondly, his card is much better than either of those cards. Lastly, there's not a reason to get i7 for gaming over i5 for a desktop. So yea, it's either you have no idea what you were talking about or you were talking about a laptop.


Oct 9, 2012
Firstly, the cards are just for comparison, since most gaming is done on laptops these days and people are far more familiar with it. The desktop equivalent is easily found. Secondly, The i7 processor is far superior to the i5, and it doesn't really matter if it's in a laptop or a desktop, the end result is the same, which is that the i7 was made for gaming and it can handle a much greater load with more efficiency than the i5. Lastly, his card isn't better than both of those, unless its SLI, which it's not. So either you're just another cranky male chauvinist, or you're one of those pathetic, pretentious individuals who like to kid themselves that they're of some worth by logging into forums and trying to split hairs with general responses. :)
You're embarrassing yourself little girl. Sunius's posts sometimes make him sound like a d1ck but he's one of the most active members in these forums and he knows his stuff. And all the regulars here are aware of that. As well as the fact that everything you just said is totally wrong. I'm not even going to take it apart piece by piece because it speaks for itself.

Piece of advice for when you grow up - try not to pull gender into every argument. It's not the instant win you seem to think it is, and you won't do well in life behaving like that. Nobody will respect you. Your gender wasn't mentioned even once prior to your 'male chauvinist' rant.

I don't really know where to start. Everything you say is false. And I mean everything. I don't even know whether it's worth trying to prove you wrong.


Oct 9, 2012
Well, that certainly enlightens me to the real standard of these forums then. Quite disappointing. In any case, I stand by what I said. I've been using desktop cards to find laptop equivalents and vice versa for years. And the 3rd gen i7s ARE faster than the 3rd gen i5s. And as for my "male chauvinist rant", the comments made toward my initial post just seemed like repressed male anger. :)
Don't worry, not embarrassed at all ;)

Ah so it's infact you who is sexist then? Are women not capable of repressed female anger? Again, this kind of attitude will not serve you well in life, in your professional life and in your personal life (you may have been led to believe men are actually attracted to that kind of attitude... if so, you were misled).

I'm glad I left I left my gender out of my profile.

Don't worry, I'm embarrassed for you.

First, for the CPU. The only differences between i5-3570k and i7-3770k is that the i7 has 2 MB more L3 cache and supports hyperthreading. Both are useless for games. Furthermore, their overclocking headroom matches.

Benchmarks just prove it.



Source: http://hexus.net/tech/reviews/cpu/38421-intel-core-i5-3570k-22nm-ivy-bridge/?page=7

Secondly, according to this, GT 650M is comparable to desktop equivalent of GTS 450.

Let's see how GTX 560 Ti compares to GTS 450:


Source: http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_560_Ti/27.html

It's twice as fast as GTS 450, so it means it's twice as fast as GT 650M.

Also, since when most of the gaming is done on laptops? You must be living in another world.

Lastly, these forums isn't a place for debates about sex equality. When I reply to posts, I don't care what sex the person I'm addressing is.

I hope this proof is enough to OP and he doesn't listen to anything you say.
No, I think the point is proved. But for a little extra proof:


See where the 7770M is compared to the 7770. It's pretty common knowledge among tech nerds that mobile GPUs of a given model number definitely do not compare to the desktop equivalent. Many other examples on that page. If you really have been using that logic for years (and if so, I have to ask - why?!) then you've made some poorly-informed purchase decisions.

The benchmark that compares the CPUs didn't use random ones. i5-3570k and i7-3770k are both flagship of i5 and i7 family 3rd generation, respectfully.

Your last sentence is beyond stupid. I even gave you the link where the info is taken from. So yea, stop trolling.


Nov 27, 2012
Thanks for the responses everyone!
The general consensus seems to be a processor upgrade and few GB's of RAM. So I'll be looking into it :) thanks for the help.
Sunius, could I ask why you suggested I upgrade my motherboard? Not trying to be rude or anything, but you're the only one who suggested it so I'm curious. I'm no expert as you can probably tell. :)
Funny and sad. Truly a rollercoaster of emotion. I do agree though :) Maybe a re-think of the ranking system is what's needed. Points awarded based on good advice (best answers, up votes etc) rather than a system where you get more points for posting to ask a question than for posting to answer one. Could keep the old points too (I'm sure people would get angry if they lost them) but have a new rating in addition... maybe it could slide below 0 also (like comments) so you could have massively negative ratings too if a lot of bad advice is given.
Hey there. This combo would last A LONG time if you can afford it:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($219.99 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($24.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($134.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $409.96
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-11-29 01:21 EST-0500)

If it's too much, let me know and I'll fix something up. It will let you play Battlefield 3 at high settings preset at 60 fps 1080p resolution with that graphics cards in 64 player maps.