I have custom built PC which have
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-970A-DS3
Amd 6300 CPU installed
For few days back during playing game on my PC it's stopped suddenly..
After that when tried to reboot only pc fans is starting but no display ,mouse light or keyboard light appear....no error sound...
When I Google....I got info. that may be its BIOS problem in Motherboard...
If it so can this will repairable or I must buy anew Motherboard...
Please Help me Out...
Thank you....
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-970A-DS3
Amd 6300 CPU installed
For few days back during playing game on my PC it's stopped suddenly..
After that when tried to reboot only pc fans is starting but no display ,mouse light or keyboard light appear....no error sound...
When I Google....I got info. that may be its BIOS problem in Motherboard...
If it so can this will repairable or I must buy anew Motherboard...
Please Help me Out...
Thank you....