So I got my PC for my birthday, 26th May 2017. It was a good one and ran games smoothly like GTA V on high settings 90-100 FPS, Mirror's Edge Catalyst Min 60 Fps (ultra), CS:GO 250-300 FPS (ultra). It got repaired once because I unplugged the PC while it was updating, but it got fixed and my windows was cleaned in 2018. But now, I've been noticing a lot of FPS drops, stutters, lags, and low FPS in general. I've tried multiple things like disabling HTPET, disabling low power mode on GPU and CPU, checking temperatures (they were fine), tweaking regedit settings, scanning for malware and viruses, etc, testing my RAM (no problems), disabling game bar, ending background app tasks and turning off V-Sync. But MORDHAU still runs below 60 FPS on high for me, yet I've seen GTX 1060s run the game on high with like 100+ fps. GTA V runs 50 fps on Normal settings, CSGO now 150FPS on ultra. I've got BF V as well but it runs like Mirror's Edge Catalyst (60 fps min). I have dual monitors, the one which I game on is 144Hz (no G-Sync) and my secondary one is 70hz. My GPU is a little bit overclocked as well. What could be the problem? I really wanna enjoy my games above 60 fps and on high, but I am unable to do it with GTA and MORDHAU now for some reason.
GTX 1070 8GB
Intel Core i5-7600 3,5 Ghz
16GB Ram DDR4
Thanks in advance.
GTX 1070 8GB
Intel Core i5-7600 3,5 Ghz
16GB Ram DDR4
Thanks in advance.