PC is "off" but fans/lights still on


Aug 16, 2011
I'm puzzled as to what's going on here...maybe someone will have an idea.

EDIT: I updated this because after seeing the one reply, i realized it sounded like I was trying to shut down and there's some issue, so I rewrote this to reflect how i keep it on 24/7/

I keep my one PC on 27/7 because I stream an online radio station and all my shows and movies are on it that I stream to other devices through Plex, so I never turn it off unless I have to update the OS or whatever.

A few times over the past few weeks I would get home from work, turn on my projector only to see there's no signal. I'd log into Team Viewer and it would tell me there's no computer connected.

Thing is if you look at the PC case, fans are still running, fan RGBs are still all lit up, so if looks and sounds as if the computer is still on. I don't have any hybernation/sleep settings on since I need it on 24/7

The last time this happened a couple days ago, i just flip the PSU switch on and off and it would boot up again, last time it went through an OS update. Do MS updates just go ahead and shut down/whatever to the computer?

It's an older system:
i5 2500K @ 4.5Ghz
GTX 1060
650W PSU

Any ideas?
Sorry CountMike, after reading your reply I see I didn't clearly type out my issue...i went ahead and updated my issue...the main thing being this PC is supposed to be on 24/7..that's what's puzzling me...what's turning it off or doing whatever its doing to it.